pefipresa jornada ingenieros de riesgos 2024 madrid

Risk Engineers Conference 2024

In the recent Risk Engineers Conference 2024, held on May 24 at the College of Surveyors and Architects of Madrid, Pefipresa actively participated, exchanging knowledge and experiences with more than ninety specialists in risk management of fire in industrial contexts.

During this session, David Segura, Technical Director of Pefipresa, gave a presentation on “Inspection of automatic extinguishing systems using gaseous agents“. Through this exhibition, we were able to share our approach and technical knowledge on a fundamental aspect for safety in our industry.

This forum, organized by Oryzont, presented a comprehensive vision of the current challenges and solutions in risk management, addressing critical issues for the sector. Furthermore, Eduardo González, general director, highlighted the importance of these sessions, which for more than twenty-five years have become an essential meeting point for professional updating and strengthening ties between colleagues.

These types of meetings reinforce the commitment of the entire PCI sector to innovation and continuous improvement in security and risk management practices.

At Pefipresa we will continue working and sharing our experience to move towards a safer industrial environment for everyone.